Brand Resources
Below are the building blocks for our brand. While this page is here to get you started, all uses need to be approved by TRIKDIS.

Safe Space
The Trikdis Logo always needs safe space that is free of imagery and text surrounding it. Use “Impulse” Icon’s height to determine the minimum amount of safe space that should surround the Logo.
If copy appears below the Logo, you should measure safe space from the bottom of the Logo to the x-height of the text.

Minimum size
The word “TRIKDIS” should always be easy to read. So in digital content the Logo should never appear smaller than 24dp in height.
The minimum size for applying the Logo in print is 0.125 in/3.1 mm in height.
What not to do with the Logo
The Trikdis Logo is a symbol people recognize, so it should never be altered.
Here are a few examples of what not to do with the Trikdis Logo.

• Change the logo’s orientation or rotation.
• Disproportionately scale or resize the logo.
• Change the logo’s colors.
• Display the logo with colour combination not previously specified.
• Display the logo in a configuration not previously specified.
• Attempt to recreate the logo.
• Make alterations to the logo’s text.
• Add special efects to the logo.
• Add an outline to the logo or display the logo as an outline.
• Use the logo on top of busy photography.
• Display other elements within the logo’s designated clear space.
• Crop the logo in any way.

Using the Logo on solid backgrounds
These examples show the correct application of the Trikdis Logo on different solid backgrounds. The almost black full-color Logo should be used on a background that’s lighter than 40% gray. The white full-color Logo should be used on a background that’s darker than 50% gray.

Full-color Logo
There are two versions of the full-color Logo, almost black and white – but the impulse Icon should always be red.
Use the almost black full-color Logo on a light background. Use the white full-color Logo on a dark background.

Monochrome Logo
If a background color makes the full-color Logo hard to see, you should use a monochrome Logo instead.
The almost black (#282828) monochrome Logo. It should be used on light multi-colored images.
The white (#FFFFFF) monochrome Logo. It should be used on dark multi-colored images.
Download The TRIKDIS Logo
Full-Color Dark
Full-Color Logo for light background
Full-Color Light
Full-Color Logo for dark background
Pack of monochrome Logo for dark and light backgrounds

Safe space
Like the Logo, our Icon also needs empty space around it. To determine the right safe space, just use half of the Icon’s width.

Minimum size
The Icon should always be big enough to see clearly. So in digital content, it should never appear smaller than 24dp in height.
The minimum size for applying the Icon in print is 0.125 in/3.1 mm in height.
What not to do with the Icon
The Impulse Icon should never be altered.
Here are a few examples of what not to do with the Icon.

• Stretch the Icon’s shape horizontally or vertically
• Change the icon angles or size
• Use colors other than red, almost black, or white
• Rotate the Icon
• Add any special effects
• Add a pattern or image to the Icon
Download The TRIKDIS Icon
Full-Color Icon
Full-Color Icon for light and dark background
Light Icon
Light Icon for dark background
Dark Icon
Dark Icon for light background
The TRIKDIS Colors
Trikdis Red
RGB 238 0 0
CMYK 0 100 100 0
RGB 255 255 255
CMYK 0 0 0 0
Almost Black
RGB 40 40 40
CMYK 69 65 64 68
Trikdis Red Alt
RGB 204 0 0
CMYK 13 100 100 4