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Remote Management of Electric Fence with Trikdis Gator and Protegus 2 App.

el fence

In this case study, we explore the innovative use of Trikdis Gator for remote management of an electric fence. This setup highlights the benefits of combining Trikdis technology with an electric fence, offering enhanced security and convenience, particularly in areas with significant safety concerns.

The Challenge

The client faced a significant challenge: managing and maintaining an electric fence surrounding their property in a high-risk area. Safety concerns are paramount, especially during nighttime, when venturing outside can be dangerous. The client needed a solution that allowed them to control and monitor their electric fence remotely, minimizing the need to leave their home.

The Solution

The Trikdis Gator, paired with the Protegus 2 app for on-the-go control and programming, was integrated with the electric fence system. The diagram provided illustrates the connection setup between the Gator module, the Yonusa Energizer (our device is compatible with other manufacturers’ equipment), and the relay.

This configuration enables the client to manage the electric fence remotely via the Trikdis Gator and the Protegus 2 app, which is connected to the Yonusa Energizer and a relay system. Here’s how it works:

  1. Remote Control: The Trikdis Gator, in conjunction with the Protegus 2 app, allows the client to control the fence remotely, turning it on or off as needed without having to physically approach the fence.
  2. Safety and Convenience: By leveraging this remote setup, the client can avoid the dangers of going outside at night. Instead, they can manage the electric fence from the safety and comfort of their home, ensuring the fence is active when needed.
  3. Ease of Maintenance: The ability to control the electric fence remotely also simplifies maintenance tasks. If the fence needs to be deactivated for repairs or adjustments, this can be done seamlessly without direct interaction with the fence.

Practical Applications

This use case is particularly relevant in regions where safety is a significant concern. The integration of Trikdis Gator with an electric fence system offers several practical benefits:

  • Enhanced Security: Ensures the electric fence is always active when required, providing continuous protection.
  • Reduced Risk: Minimizes the need to venture outside, especially in potentially dangerous situations.
  • Operational Efficiency: Streamlines the process of managing and maintaining the fence, saving time and effort.


The integration of Trikdis Gator with an electric fence, as demonstrated by our client, showcases the potential of remote management technology to enhance security and convenience. This solution is particularly valuable in high-risk areas, offering a safer and more efficient way to control and maintain electric fences.

For more information on Trikdis Gator and its applications, don’t hesitate and contact us now.

2 Responses

  1. Grazie delle informazioni,avrei bisogno di approfondire la conoscenza tecnologica su cui opera il vostro prodotto gator e se e’ integrabile l’app Protegus2 con la precedente app Protegus per collegare i miei impianti di sicurezza in essere gia’ collegati.
    Cordiali Saluti
    Ing. Calosi Stefano

    1. Grazie per il commento. In questo caso viene utilizzato questo modulo: con l’app Protegus 2. A seconda dell’attrezzatura che utilizzi per il cancello elettrico, il collegamento può variare. Rispondendo alla seconda domanda, sì, è possibile trasferire dall’app Protegus all’app Protegus 2. È sufficiente scaricare l’app Protegus 2 e aggiungere il dispositivo. Se si tratta di FLEXi SP3, tutte le impostazioni rimarranno e tutto sarà visibile immediatamente, ma è necessario avvisare gli altri utenti di utilizzare Protegus 2 poiché una volta trasferito, il sistema Protegus 1 non funzionerà più. Per quanto riguarda i comunicatori, le impostazioni verranno trasferite, ma le impostazioni degli utenti e i nomi delle zone e delle aree non verranno trasferiti e dovranno essere rinominati. Se desideri ulteriori informazioni, siamo sempre disponibili via email a, descrivi il più dettagliatamente possibile e ti risponderemo.

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